"MRJ Mobile Injectors has 30 years experience in injector cleaning and testing. We provide a mobile petrol and diesel injector cleaning service to the entire Sydney metropolitan area. Specializing in off car injector cleaning. We also specialize in diesel diagnostics, repairing diesel pumps and pump overhauls. We also offer a mobile service to remove seized or stuck diesel injectors."
MRJ Mobile Injectors was established 30 years ago after a demand for specialist knowledge and expertise in fuel injection systems was needed. We have successfully serviced the Sydney metropolitan area from the lower Blue Mountains through to Helensburgh through our customer friendly and convenient mobile service. We provide high quality diagnostic, cleaning and repairing of petrol and diesel fuel injection systems using up to date service and testing equipment.
If you want to know more about MRJ Mobile Injector Services contact us on 0407 664 531, or email us at info@mrjmobileinjector.com.au.